公开课:大数据时代概述题目:大数据时代概述 主讲人:曹正凤 博士(人大经济论坛) 主讲人简介:曹正凤简介目前致力于大数据分析前沿领域研究,主持人大经济论坛基于hadoop架构的论坛主题推荐系统项目,参与《大数据背景下基于中国烟草消费需求的供给结构分析研究》、《基于数据整合的空气质量测度方法研究》等大数据项目。 时间:10月20日(周二)下午14:00 地点:万象城awcsport官网北一区文科楼103教室 欢迎全体师生积极参加!
Some mathematical problems in HIV modeling题目:Some mathematical problems in HIV modeling 报告人: Prof. Claude-Michel Brauner 厦门大学 Abstract: Over the past thirty years, there has been much research in the mathematical modeling of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), the virus which caus...
Some recent progress on the semiconductor SHE model题目:Some recent progress on the semiconductor SHE model 报告人: 张凯军教授 东北师范大学 Abstract: In this talk I will introduce some recent results of the semiconductor SHE model including the basic semiconductor charge transport and derivation o...
A survey on elliptic, parabolic and nonlocal eigenvalue problems题目:A survey on elliptic, parabolic and nonlocal eigenvalue problems 报告人: Prof. Xuefeng Wang (王学锋) 华东师范大学, Tulane University,USA Abstract: The literature on eigenvalue problems is vast and so I am forced to be focused and biased in this survey...
Some Recent Progress on Nonlocal Dispersal Systems题目:Some Recent Progress on Nonlocal Dispersal Systems 报告人: 李万同教授 兰州大学 Abstract: In this talk, we shall report some recent progress on nonlocal dispersal systems. First, we will present some relations between local (random) and nonlocal dis...
A Free Boundary Problem for the Prey-predator Model with Different Free Boundaries题目:A Free Boundary Problem for the Prey-predator Model with Different Free Boundaries 报告人: 王明新 教授(哈尔滨科技大学) Abstract: To understand the spreading and interaction of prey and predator, we study the dynamics of the Lotka-Volterra type prey-preda...
Pattern formation by a reaction- diffusion system based on receptor- ligand kinetics题目:Pattern formation by a reaction- diffusion system based on receptor- ligand kinetics. 报告人: Prof. Izumi Takagi, Tohoku University Japan Abstract: In this talk we are concerned with a reaction-diffusion equation coupled with a system of ordin...
On rate of convergence to equilibrium for the Space homogeneous Boltzmann equation with angular cut-off题目:On rate of convergence to equilibrium for the Space homogeneous Boltzmann equation with angular cut-off 报告人:卢旭光 教授(清华大学) 摘要:In this talk we begin with a short introduction to the derivation and fundamental results of the Boltzmann equation...
数论与代数几何讨论班:A theorem of Grothendieck-Deligne on monodromy groups题目:A theorem of Grothendieck-Deligne on monodromy groups 报告人:孙晟昊 副教授(清华大学数学科学中心) 摘要: We go over the statement and proof of a theorem of Grothendieck-Deligne on monodromy groups over function fields. Basically it says that, if the geometric mo...
Filtrations and homological degrees of FI-modules题目:Filtrations and homological degrees of FI-modules 报告人:李利平 教授(湖南师范大学) 摘要: The category FI, whose objects are finite sets and morphisms are injections between them, has played a central role in representation stability theory, a new research...